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Privacy Policy

  1. We hold confidential all information provided to us. Including telephone numbers, addresses and E-mail Addresses.
  2. We do not sell e-mail addresses and abhor those who do.
  3. We collect aggregate information from our visitors using Google Analytics. If you wish to find out more about how Google aggregates data, please visit Google and read their privacy policies. It is our belief that Google places a high value on privacy as well.
  4. We implemented Google Analytics Demographics and Interest Reporting, a feature of Google Analytics Display Advertising, on February 19, 2014. We only use this information to better understand our visitors so we can improve user experience on our website. If you would like to opt out of Google Analytics for Display Advertising you can do so by visiting the Google Ad Settings page.
  5. We do not collect personal information from our site visitors; however if you request a coupon or use our contact form we do hang on to your email address to respond back to you or to communicate with you in the future regarding our products and services. The aggregate data we collect via Google Analytics includes visits to the site, what site brought a visitor to our site and for how long a visitor was on the site.

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